Free Sore Throat Treatment Cardiff

Free Sore Throat Treatment Cardiff

Visit our local Cardiff pharmacy for the free NHS Sore Throat Test and Treat Service (STTT). If you are struggling with a sore throat, our expert pharmacists can assess your symptoms and swab your throat to check for a bacterial infection (also known as ‘strep throat’). Using the results of this swab, they can then prescribe antibiotics if necessary.

Book your appointment today

Rapid Throat Swab

Our throat swab service provides rapid results in a few minutes to let you know whether you have a bacterial infection causing your sore throat. If the swab is positive for a bacterial infection, our pharmacists are able to provide antibiotics for you directly from the pharmacy. This saves you the hassle of a trip to the GP.

This service is available for adults and children aged 6 or above as part of the common ailments scheme in Wales. You can read more about this service on our Wales common ailments scheme information page.

Bacterial infections (strep throat) make up about 5-15% of sore throats in adults, and 20-30% in children. This means that most sore throats are viral and don’t require antibiotics. These will normally get better by themselves within a week. If your sore throat is viral, our pharmacists can still advise you on the best treatments to use (such as paracetamol, lozenges, and throat sprays).

Can pharmacists prescribe antibiotics for throat infections?

Yes, prescribing pharmacists can provide antibiotics for patients with bacterial throat infections. Every pharmacy that provides the Sore Throat Test and Treat service in Wales can provide antibiotics if the swab test confirms a bacterial infection (Strep A) is present.

Prescribing pharmacists may sometimes prescribe antibiotics for throat infections if the swab test is negative but there are strong signs of a bacterial infection. This is because the swab only tests for Strep A but other bacteria can cause a throat infection. However, Strep A is the most common.

Sore Throat Symptoms

Typical symptoms include pain in the throat (especially when swallowing), redness in the throat, and a dry or scratchy throat. These symptoms are also often accompanied by typical cold symptoms like a cough, runny or blocked nose, and feeling tired.

Other symptoms that may suggest a bacterial infection include tender and swollen neck glands, pus on the tonsils, swollen tonsils, and a fever.

Sore Throat Advice

General advice for sore throats includes:

  • Stay hydrated and drink enough water
  • Eat soft foods and foods that aren’t too hot
  • Avoid smoking with a sore throat
  • Sucking ice cubes or eating ice lollies
  • Gargle with warm, salty water

If you would like our pharmacists to assess, swab, and treat your sore throat today, please call or book online.

Phone: 02920 777026


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